Two friends leaning on each other for R U OK? Day

Observing RU OK? Day and Mindfulness Day with Self-Care

Written by: Shoshana Eisner, B.Pharm


Time to read 5 min

In a world that never seems to slow down, days like RU OK? Day and Mindfulness Day serve as gentle reminders that it’s okay to pause, check in with others, and ALSO, with ourselves.

Checking In and Tuning In: Observing RU OK? Day and Mindfulness Day with Self-Care

These two awareness days might seem different at first glance, but they share a powerful message: the importance of connection, compassion, and caring for our mental and emotional well-being.

Let’s dive into how you can embrace the spirit of both RU OK? Day and Mindfulness Day—not just on the day itself but every day—and why incorporating mindfulness into your skincare routine can be a soothing and healing way to reconnect.

"There is no better exercise for the heart than reaching down and lifting people up." — John Holmes

This quote emphasises the profound impact of helping and supporting each other, highlighting how acts of kindness and connection are not only good for those we help but also deeply rewarding for us as friends.

Beautiful mature woman texting her friend in her kitchen

RU OK? Day: More Than Just a Question. More Than Just a Day.

RU OK? Day is an Australian initiative that encourages us to ask, "Are you okay?" to those around us, whether they're friends, family, or even colleagues. It’s a day that reminds us that a simple conversation can make a world of difference. But it’s also about being prepared to listen with empathy, to offer support, and to follow up in a meaningful way.

Although today is R U OK? Day, you can ask R U OK? on any day of the year, because life happens every day.

The R U OK? Foundation is an extraordinary group with magnificent resources for teeny and giant ways you can help those around you who may be struggling.

"A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words." — Unknown

This quote speaks to the deep understanding and support that true friends provide, especially during difficult times. It’s a reminder that friends often help us reconnect with ourselves when we feel lost, offering comfort, hope, and the strength to keep going.


Yet, it’s not just about checking in with others; it’s equally important to ask ourselves, “Am I okay?” This self-check-in is often overlooked but vital. The same compassion we extend to others should also be directed inward. And that’s where the practice of mindfulness comes in.

Mindfulness Day: Finding Calm in the Chaos

Mindfulness Day encourages us to slow down and be present in the moment, whether it’s through meditation, a swim, a walk, mindful breathing, or simply savouring a quiet cup of tea/(G&T). Mindfulness isn’t about perfection; it’s about presence. It’s about noticing the little things—the feel of the sun on your skin, the rhythm of your breath, or the simple pleasure of a skincare routine.

My Grandmother, Esther, (of blessed memory), was a survivor of the Concentration Camps of WWII. A warm shower was her reset.  She savoured the muscle-relieving pummelling of the warm water.  She delighted in the fresh, clean sensation afterwards.  And every single time she showered, she was mindful that her unending access to warm water was a privilege, an indulgence and a blessing.

Incorporating mindfulness into your day can be as easy as taking a moment to appreciate your surroundings, feeling gratitude for small joys, or engaging in self-care rituals that help ground you. And there’s a beautiful synergy when you combine mindfulness with your skincare routine.

WOman taking the time to relax in the bath

Mindful Skincare: More Than Skin Deep

Skincare can often feel like a chore—another task on your to-do list. But what if you turned it into a mindful moment of self-care? At QED Skincare, we believe that skincare is not just about achieving glowing skin but also about creating a soothing ritual that makes you feel as good as you look.

Here’s how you can bring mindfulness into your skincare routine:

  1. Create a Calming Space: Set up your skincare area with soft lighting, calming scents, and maybe even a soothing playlist. This is your time—make it special.

  2. Engage Your Senses: Pay attention to the texture, scent, and sensation of each product as you apply it. Feel the coolness of a toner, the silky texture of a moisturiser, or the gentle exfoliation of a scrub. At QED, our plant-based, cruelty-free formulations are designed not just to nourish your skin but to provide a luxurious experience that calms and delights your senses.

  3. Breathe and Be Present: As you apply each product, take a moment to breathe deeply. Notice the act of caring for yourself. A simple, deep breath can shift your mind from stress mode to a state of calm.

  4. Practice Self-Compassion: Use this time to check in with yourself. How are you feeling? What do you need? Just as you would extend kindness to a friend, offer the same to yourself. If your skin isn’t looking its best, approach it with understanding, not criticism.

  5. Celebrate Small Wins: Did you finally make time for that mask treatment you’ve been putting off? Celebrate that! Every little act of self-care is a step toward better mental and physical well-being.

A woman relaxing on the couch with skincare on her face, practicing self-care


The Ripple Effect of Mindful Moments

Observing the principles of RU OK? Day alongside Mindfulness Day can create a powerful ripple effect. When you take time to care for yourself mindfully, you’re better equipped to care for others. And when you check in with others, you’re contributing to a culture of empathy and support.

This Mindfulness Day and RU OK? Day, take a moment to ask yourself and those around you, “Are we okay?” Tune into the present, cherish those small moments, and remember that taking care of your mind, your heart, and your skin is a beautiful way to nurture yourself and those you love.

Let’s make every day a little more mindful and connected—one conversation, one breath, and one skincare ritual at a time.

And I truly do hope that you are okay ...Observing RU OK? Day and Mindfulness Day with Self-Care

Shoshana Eisner, BPharm, CEO and Formulator at QED SKincare

The Author: Shoshana Eisner, BPharm

The Brains (+ the Brawn) behind QED Skincare 

Shoshana Eisner isn’t your average pharmacist — She’s the mind and heart behind QED Skincare, the luxury brand that’s making sensitive skin feel fabulous. Based in Sydney, Shoshana combined extensive dermatology research and a love for all things plant-based and cruelty-free to create skincare that doesn’t just work—it works wonders. With a collection of award-winning products and a money-back guarantee (because, yes, they’re that good), Shoshana is on a mission to prove that gentle, effective skincare can be downright luxurious. After all, who says sensitive skin has to miss out on the good stuff?